Your Dream Home: Do’s and Don’ts of Designing a New Home

Everyone has their definition of what a home should look like, so there is a strong chance that the houses on the market don’t fit what you want. If you want to be in charge of designing your own home, then it’s definitely possible if you build one from the ground up. But if you are someone with no experience in home design, there are a few things that you need to consider before sending your instructions to builders. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts of home design.

Do’s and Don’ts to Designing a Home

Do: Have a Wish list of Things You Want

Right off the bat, you should have everything that you want listed down. If your head is filled with all sorts of ideas, list them. You can always narrow things down to your favourite options. You can take inspiration from existing designs online, pinpoint what you love about them, and finalize your vision with our expert designers. If you don’t have the budget for everything on your wishlist, you can always leave some room for it as a future home project.

Don’t: Leave Out the Bare Essentials

As much as you want to fill up your wish list, you need to think about what you need too! Every home has the standard rooms that provide the basic conveniences and necessities you need to live comfortably.

And when there’s a want and a need that clashes, try to prioritize the needs first. For example, if you only have room for either a walk-in closet or a personal bathroom, the more reasonable choice is to keep the bathroom. That is unless you like going downstairs all the time just to shower or use the toilet. You can always ask Urban Sky developers if it’s possible to do both. But you have to face the music if it just can’t happen.

Do: Be Mindful of the Materials

Keep both aesthetic and function in mind when choosing your tiles, flooring’s, carpets, and paint colours. The ideal materials are affordable yet sophisticated. If you aren’t really the type of person keen on these things, you can always have one of our professional contractors go through the materials for you and give you options that will work for your vision.

Don’t: Splurge When You’re on a Budget

It’s easy to lose track of expenses if you’re not looking at them carefully. Try your best to stick to the budget. If it is too expensive for you, look around to see where you can reduce certain expenses. If it’s just a little bit over, you can consider adding more to your budget. That is why every build needs an emergency fund in case this happens.

Do: Keep an Open Communication with the Professionals

Urban Sky Development designers believe that open communication is key to creating something close to your vision. Be able to tell your designer openly about what you think and ask for their suggestions.


Designing your own home can be exciting, but it can also be intimidating. While it is true that you don’t necessarily need an expert to tell you what you want, but you do need them to help your vision come to reality in the best way possible. By avoiding the pitfalls and following the general advice, you get one step closer to designing the home you’ve always wanted.

For the best designs, you need to enlist the help of modern urban designers in Edmonton. Urban Sky Developments is an innovative home design and development company that can help you create your dream home from the ground up. We also work on major renovations. Contact us today!