4 Common Questions about Custom Home Building, Answered

Many people prefer buying premade homes for the sake of ease, simplicity, and the hope of finding a home that fits their criteria perfectly. If you are lucky enough to find a home with everything you need and at the right price, good for you. However, many people have preferences and needs that pre-built homes cannot offer, so they look for custom solutions to satisfy their requirements.

This process can be an extremely rewarding experience. In this article, we will answer the most commonly asked questions about custom home construction.

1) Should I Buy a Home or Build One?

The first question you need to consider is whether you should buy a home or build one yourself. If you do not want to deal with waiting too long or cannot bring yourself to face the challenges, there is nothing wrong with buying one.

On the other hand, if you’re up for the challenge, go ahead and build one! However, keep in mind that help is always available. Professional contractors can assist you with the home-building process, simplifying it on your end and ensuring everything proceeds smoothly.

2) How Much Do Contractors Charge?

How much a contractor charges will be different from one contractor to the other. Some will charge a flat fee, while others a percentage of the entire cost. Regardless of what they charge, you must ask them to know how much they charge to determine if it fits your budget.

Keep a lookout for contractors that make everything as transparent as possible. Transparency will allow you to understand precisely where your money is going. It will also help you avoid surprise costs that may push you over the budget.

3) Is a Custom Home Worth the Effort?

Many people believe that the effort put into building a home is worth it because of the control they get. When building a home from the ground up, you have a say in everything, including the style, design, and more.

You can ask for your contractors’ advice as well in case they have concerns about your designs (or possible improvements). We highly recommend taking what they have to say into consideration. More often than not, it will lead to even better results.

4) Is a Custom Home More Expensive?

The initial costs of building a custom home can vary, depending on your desired fixtures. However, in the long run, it is quite cheaper for many reasons.

The most significant benefit is that everything will be new—the materials, the construction techniques used, and possibly the appliances. This means the home will not need as much maintenance or repairs as a house that’s already built, saving you a lot of money in the long run.


In summary, if you are still wondering whether or not you should go ahead with custom-building your home, we say yes! Building a custom home is not only worth the effort, but it guarantees a home that fits your lifestyle perfectly. Although it will take quite a bit of effort, time, and money, it is more than worth all the investment. Nothing beats coming home to something built exactly the way you like it. A custom home can boost your quality of life and ensure you feel nothing but comfort and security within your walls.

Ready to build your first custom home? Urban Sky Developments is a custom home builder in Edmonton offering services and expertise to help you save plenty of money, time, and your sanity. Work with us today to build your custom home, sweet home.